Wednesday 13 November 2013

Wild Child - Movie Review

Director: Nick Moore
Writer: Lucy Dahl
Producer: Diana Phillips, Eric Fellner, Tim Bevan
Stars: Emma Roberts, Alex Pettyfer, Natasha Richardson

So, it's an older movie but tonight my sister and I had a girl's night and watched the movie Wild Child. I figured, even though it is not recent, that I would review it. Wild Child is about a spoiled troublemaker, Poppy Moore - from Beverly Hills. When she takes things too far at home, her father ships her of to Abbey-Mount, a boarding school in England. Things are not as fabulous at this school as they are at home - no cell phones, good shops or internet connection! Soon, Poppy and her four room mates create a scheme to get Poppy expelled; one major scandal they have planned is 'snogging' the headmistress's charming son, Freddy. At first this seems like an amazing scheme, but it may not turn out so amazing once she gets close to these girls and Freddy.

Lets be honest, this movie is not Oscar winning material. It is a chick flick, intended for fifteen year old girls. Aiming at this target audience, it did its job. It was a bit predictable, but I did find it funny at many points and honestly I liked it. Maybe it's because I'm a fifteen year old girl.

I would say the acting was good for the film and Emma Roberts did a good job in portraying the Beverly Hills brat. The rest of the characters were good too. Again, nothing spectacular.  The film did its job in making a funny rom-com intended for teen girls.

Even though this was a simple movie and kind of cheesy, I did find it very cute and in the end, the message of the film was (although predictable) insightful and I found that I could connect to it.

If you are looking for a good chick flick for a girl's night in and are somewhere in your teens, this is a good choice. If you do not fit this description, don't say I didn't warn you.

My Rating:

Click here to watch the trailer for Wild Child on YouTube.

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