Wednesday 4 December 2013

Gravity - Movie Review

Director: Alfonso Cuarón
Writers: Alfonso Cuarón, Jonás Cuarón (George Clooney - Script Collaborator)
Producers: David Heyman, Alfonso Cuarón
Stars: Sandra Bullock, George Clooney

*Warning: Spoilers*
A few weekends ago I saw the very popular movie Gravity, starring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney. The movie was about two astronauts, Ryan (Bullock) and Matt (Clooney), who become the targets of space debris and are sperated from their space ship. The two astronauts cannot be saved, so Matt sacrifices his life so that Ryan can make it back to earth.

The film was fantastic. They had some beautiful shots of space and the earth that were breathtaking and seeing it in 3D made me feel as though I was almost with them. Bullock did a great job as Ryan. She was the sole subject for the majority of the film and it was exciting the whole time.

The film was extremely suspenseful and emotional - hoping that Ryan can get back to earth. It takes all her will to constantly keep going and the film was constantly thrilling - never a dull moment. The concept was very interesting. I haven't ever seen anything like it.

I really loved the concept of this film. It was a really unique idea and the whole film was very interesting. I really felt for the characters and I think I may have even teared up at a couple points.

This movie was very suspenseful though some comic relief was creatively entwined into the film with Clooney's character, the very witty Matt.

I recommend this movie to almost anyone. If you've heard of it and think it is something you would like, you probably will. I really enjoyed this film.

My Rating:

Click here to watch the trailer for Gravity on YouTube.

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