Monday 16 December 2013

The Book Thief - Movie Reveiw

Director: Brian Percival
Writers: Michael Petroni
Stars: Sophie NĂ©lisse, Geoffrey Rush, Emily Watson

Set right before World War II, after the death of her brother, Liesel is fostered by loving Hans and his witch of a wife Rosa. Soon after she moves in, she discovers her love for reading and writing after stealing some books. At school, there is Rudy, a sweet boy from her new neighbourhood who immediately befriends Liesel. Soon after Kristallnacht, Liesel's family hides a Jewish man - Max, who she befriends quickly.

This movie was amazing! Interesting perspective of the Holocaust, through the child's eye. Although the film was set in a very serious time period with some very serious things going on in this family's life, including hiding Max, there was some comic relief in the film. I especially liked the scenes between Liesel and her friend Rudy. Their exchanges are very cute and often funny.

Brian Percival did an amazing job directing this film! It was spectacular. I want to be a film director when I'm older and its film like these that I really look up to and love to see. It was great and the sets were beautiful and so were the costumes and everything. It was filmed beautifully. 

Although this is a war film, I would categorize it more as a drama. It did not focus so much on the violence and brutality of war, but more on this little girl and her life in a new family in a new home during this horrible time. I really enjoyed it.

Overall, I would definitely say this was one of the best movies I have seen. It was so amazing and I would recommend this film to anyone. It is a must see and I would recommend seeing it while its still in theaters. There are some films you just want to experience on a huge screen in a movie theater and this is one of them. 

My Rating:

Click here to watch the trailer for The Book Thief on YouTube.

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