Friday 26 April 2013

Life of Pi - Movie Review

Director: Ang Lee
Writers: Yann Martel, David Magee
Producers: Ang Lee, Gil Netter, David Womark
Stars: Suraj Sharma, Irrfan Khan, Adil Hussain

Although Life of Pi was released back in 2012, I really wanted to write a review on it, so I am going to. Life of Pi is about Piscine (Pi) Patel. After escaping a sinking ship, to which he lost his whole family, Pi is left on a life boat in the middle of the ocean... with a tiger. 

The move was interesting, dramatic and suspenseful. The story was unique and interesting, making it stand out. In the film there was some comedy, which helped the film as a whole, given its plot that is partially sad and at times scary.

The acting in this movie was great! The filming was amazing as well, especially when considering that a large part of the film is supposed to be in the middle of the ocean. Even when filming in water, they still managed to take some spectacular shots.

Working with animals in film is also, I can assume, quite difficult. We can appreciate how much work it must have taken to be working with a tiger, in addition to some other animals as well. 

The story in this movie was very interesting, unique and intriguing. I would see it again in a heartbeat. It was truly an amazing movie. This film was great and definitely deserved the four Oscars that it received, including the Oscar for best directing. If you have not already, I recommend that you put it on your list of movies to see.

My Rating:

Click here to watch the trailer for Life of Pi on YouTube. 

Thursday 25 April 2013

Bad News Bears (1976) - Movie Review

Director: Michael Ritchie
Writer: Bill Lancaster
Producer: Stanley R. Jaffe
Stars: Walter Matthau, Tatum O'Neal, Vic Morrow

A movie that I love is The Bad News Bears. It has not been released recently, it was made in 1976. This movie is a classic! It is about a old ex-minor league player who coaches a children's baseball team, though the team is made up of the worst players in the competitive league. 

The movie is funny and enjoyable. Many characters can make you laugh and so can many of the situation the team gets into. Seeing the 'Bears' improve through the year is and filled with fun and adventure.

The actors all portray their characters very well. The audience is able to tell their personality easily, from the beginning of the movie. Each has their own unique character traits and when they are all put together on one baseball team it makes for some funny dialogue and situations.

This movie is a great movie for someone looking for a laugh. If you are a baseball fan, you will really enjoy this movie. If you do not like baseball, I am sure that you will like it regardless, as it is truly hilarious. I would easily say that this is one of my favorite movies, and I would recommend it to nearly everyone.

My Rating:

Click here to the trailer for The Bad News Bears on YouTube (I'm not sure if this is an official trailer).

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging - Movie Review

Director: Gurinder Chadha
Writers:  Gurinder Chadha, Paula Mayeda Berges, Will McRobb, Chris Viscardi
Producers: Scott Aversano, Gurinder Chadha, Michelle Fox
Stars: Georgia Groome, Aaron Johnson, Eleanor Tomlinson

The movie Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging is a movie about 14 year old Georgia Nicolson. Between school, boys, friends, mean girls, her dad moving to New Zealand and trying to plan the perfect 15th birthday, Georgia is very busy. The movie is about her life growing up, and what she learns about herself.

I would categorize this movie as a romantic comedy, but it is more targeted towards teenagers. The movie is very funny and I found myself laughing out loud many times. The acting was okay, though nothing spectacular.

The movie was simple, and I would call it a chick-flick. For that, it did its job. It was not a heavy movie with lots of action and important messages, it was simply about a girl growing up. I would say lots of girly teenage girls would enjoy this and it targets this audience very well.

Overall, this movie is good for teenagers. It is not great. It is very simple - nothing spectacular. I would recommend watching it at sleepovers and things like that. It is a great choice if you are looking for a laugh, and I think that if it sounds like something you would watch, you will like it for sure.

My Rating:

Click here to watch the trailer for Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging on YouTube.

Snitch - Movie Review

Director: Ric Roman Waugh
Writers: Justin Haythe, Ric Roman Waugh
Producer: Paricipant Media
Stars: Dwayne Johnson, Jon Bernthal, Susan Sarandon

**Minor Spoilers Are Included**

The movie Snitch is about John Matthews. When his son is wrongly accused of distribution of narcotics, his son is sentenced to at least 10 years in prison.  John's son, Jason, is given the option to help the police find other drug dealers, which, if he did, would shorten his sentence. This is how Jason got caught with drugs; his friend set him up to shorten his own prison sentence. Jason refuses to do what his friend did to him, no matter how much his parents plead him to. John then makes a deal with a lawyer that if he where to help find drug dealers, it will shorten his son's sentence. One of John's employees, Daniel, agrees to help him, when John agrees to pay him. Daniel, introduces John to a very dangerous drug dealer, Malik. John then embarks on a dangerous journey, with the help of Daniel to catch drug dealers and get his son out of prison.

Snitch was just as action packed and suspenseful as I had hoped it would be. As the movie unraveled, it got more and more intense. The acting was very realistic and believable. The cast could not have been better.The film was very well filmed, and overall it was very enjoyable.

I was on the edge of my seat for the majority of the movie. The movie was full of action and created a very suspenseful mood. Though this type of story was not something that happens every day, there were smaller aspects that the audience was able to relate to. For example, we could relate to how much John cared about his son, Jason.

In addition, the movie was very inspiring. When Jason refused to frame his friends, it showed us that you need to stay true to your beliefs, and if you can stay true to yourself, even during the hardest times, you are a very strong person.

Overall, this movie was truly amazing. For a suspense-filled, action movie it was great! It was also very inspiring with some very important messages. I would recommend this movie to most people.

My Rating:

Click here to watch the trailer for Snitch on YouTube. 

Monday 22 April 2013

Warm Bodies - Movie Review

Director: Jonathan Levine
Writer: Jonathan Levine
Producers: David Hoberman, Todd Lieberman, Bruna Papandrea
Stars: Nicholas Hoult, Teresa Palmer, Rob Corddry

I recently saw the movie Warm Bodies. This movie is about a zombie named 'R', who saves Julie, a human, from a zombie attack. The film focuses on R and Julies relationship as it develops throughout the movie. The movies is a romantic, horror and comedy zombie movie.

The movie is simple and easy to follow, yet it is interesting. The movie was scary and action packed at some parts, and funny at others, with a romantic twist.

The acting was generally good, and each of the characters were interesting. The sets were very unique and very suitable for the movie.

Warm Bodies targeted its teen audience successfully.  I would recommend it as a fun and simple movie, because although it targets teens, the plot is unique and interesting, making it appealing to older and younger audiences as well.

My Rating:

Click here to watch the trailer for Warm Bodies on YouTube.

Super 8 - Movie Review

Director: J.J. Abrams
Writer: J.J. Abrams
Producer: Steven Spielberg
Stars: Joel Courtney, Kyle Chandler, Elle Fanning

A movie that I really love is a movie called Super 8. Super 8 is about 6 teens during the summer of 1979 who, while filming a zombie movie, witness a train crash. The crash seems to have been an accident until unexplained events begin happening around town. The main characters begin to piece together all these events as the movie unravels.

The movie was very interesting. It was science-fiction, action, thriller and mystery combined with regular teen problems and a comedic aspect. 

The acting in the movie was very good, and everyone's personality contributed to the movie in some way. It truly felt as though you were transported back to 1979, due to the sets, costumes and even the types of things that the characters said. For example, one of the characters often described things using words such as 'mint'.

The movie was a bit complicated, but in a way that it was very interesting. There was also some comedy added into the movie. Many characters were funny in different ways, adding many laughs throughout the film.

Overall, the movie was a combination of action, thriller, mystery, science-fiction and comedy all rolled into one. I definitely recommend that you watch this movie. 

My Rating:

Click here to watch the trailer Super 8 on YouTube.

42 - Movie Review

Director: Brian Helgeland
Writer: Brian Helgeland
Producer: Thomas Tull
Stars: Chadwick Boseman, Harrison Ford, Nicole Beharie

I recently saw a movie called 42. The movie is about Jackie Robinson, the first African-American baseball player to play in the major leagues. Jackie Robinson joined the major leagues in 1947, and played first base for the Brooklyn Dodgers.

This movie was amazing. It focuses on discrimination and racism and is very effective in conveying what life was like for African-Americans in the late 1940s.

The acting in this movie was phenomenal. You felt emotions for every one of the characters. Each character had their own personality which truly made the film amazing.

The movie created strong emotions for the viewers. For instance, in one part of the film, Jackie Robinson was up to bat and the Phillies manager was yelling racist comments at him. The hatred for the Phillies manager was very strong, and it further contributed to the sympathetic mood.

In addition, there was some comedy weaved into the film. This comedic aspect was creatively included, lightening the film and making the audience laugh.

The movie ended with real facts about the people that the movie was based on. It was a unique way to end the film and left the audience with new information. 

Overall, the movie 42 is a must see for everyone, whether or not you are a baseball fan. It was truly eye-opening and very inspirational.

My Rating:

Click here to watch the trailer for 42 on YouTube. 


Hello everyone! So I am starting this blog because I really love movies. I love talking about them, so I will be writing movie reviews. Hope you like it!