Friday 26 April 2013

Life of Pi - Movie Review

Director: Ang Lee
Writers: Yann Martel, David Magee
Producers: Ang Lee, Gil Netter, David Womark
Stars: Suraj Sharma, Irrfan Khan, Adil Hussain

Although Life of Pi was released back in 2012, I really wanted to write a review on it, so I am going to. Life of Pi is about Piscine (Pi) Patel. After escaping a sinking ship, to which he lost his whole family, Pi is left on a life boat in the middle of the ocean... with a tiger. 

The move was interesting, dramatic and suspenseful. The story was unique and interesting, making it stand out. In the film there was some comedy, which helped the film as a whole, given its plot that is partially sad and at times scary.

The acting in this movie was great! The filming was amazing as well, especially when considering that a large part of the film is supposed to be in the middle of the ocean. Even when filming in water, they still managed to take some spectacular shots.

Working with animals in film is also, I can assume, quite difficult. We can appreciate how much work it must have taken to be working with a tiger, in addition to some other animals as well. 

The story in this movie was very interesting, unique and intriguing. I would see it again in a heartbeat. It was truly an amazing movie. This film was great and definitely deserved the four Oscars that it received, including the Oscar for best directing. If you have not already, I recommend that you put it on your list of movies to see.

My Rating:

Click here to watch the trailer for Life of Pi on YouTube. 

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