Monday 22 April 2013

Super 8 - Movie Review

Director: J.J. Abrams
Writer: J.J. Abrams
Producer: Steven Spielberg
Stars: Joel Courtney, Kyle Chandler, Elle Fanning

A movie that I really love is a movie called Super 8. Super 8 is about 6 teens during the summer of 1979 who, while filming a zombie movie, witness a train crash. The crash seems to have been an accident until unexplained events begin happening around town. The main characters begin to piece together all these events as the movie unravels.

The movie was very interesting. It was science-fiction, action, thriller and mystery combined with regular teen problems and a comedic aspect. 

The acting in the movie was very good, and everyone's personality contributed to the movie in some way. It truly felt as though you were transported back to 1979, due to the sets, costumes and even the types of things that the characters said. For example, one of the characters often described things using words such as 'mint'.

The movie was a bit complicated, but in a way that it was very interesting. There was also some comedy added into the movie. Many characters were funny in different ways, adding many laughs throughout the film.

Overall, the movie was a combination of action, thriller, mystery, science-fiction and comedy all rolled into one. I definitely recommend that you watch this movie. 

My Rating:

Click here to watch the trailer Super 8 on YouTube.

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